working papers

The Heterogeneous Productivity Effects of Generative AI
(with Kreitmeier, D.)

Competing for Attention - The Effect of Talk Radio on Elections and Political Polarization in the US
(with Amarasinghe, A.)

Predicting Political Ideology Using Digital Footprints
(with Kitchener, M., Anantharama, N., and Angus, S.)

The Value of Names - Civil Society, Information, and Governing Multinationals on the Global Periphery
(with Kreitmeier, D. and Lane, N.)
(revise & resubmit at Journal of the European Economic Association)

Estimating Sleep and Work Hours from Alternative Data by Segmented Functional Classification Analysis (SFCA)
(with Ackermann, K. and Angus, S.)

Object Recognition for Economic Development from Daytime Satellite Imagery
(with Ackermann, K., Chernikov, A., Anantharama, N., and Zaman, M.)

Conflicts in Spatial Networks
(with Amarasinghe, A., Zenou, Y., and Zhou, J.)

The Internet as Quantitative Social Science Platform: Insights from a Trillion Observations
(with Ackermann, K. and Angus, S.)
Media: MIT Technology Review, Wired (in German), Daily Mail

work in progress

Geography, History and the Persistence of Political Attitudes (with Amarasinghe, A. and Zaman, M.)

Mobile Money and Economic Development
(with Le, D.)

Renewable Resources and Regional Economic Activity: The Case of Maritime Fishery in Africa
(with Borsky, S.)

The Effect of Polygamy on Conflict
(with Dickson, A., MacKenzie, I., and Sekeris, P.)

A Global Subnational Assessment of the Relationship between Economic Development and Environmental Quality
(with Brent, D.)

Internet and Protests
(with Ackermann, K., Angus, S., and Hodler R.)

The Role of Media in Asymmetric Warfare

Floods, Risk Sharing and Inequality Aversion
(together with Islam, A., Mahmud, M., and Rai, B.)

Governmental Flood Relief and Corruption in Bangladesh
(with Islam, A., Choon, L. W.)

Valuation of Australia’s Green Space: A Hedonic Pricing Analysis using the Enhanced Vegetation Index
(with Rosetti, J.)

Climate and Economic Development: A Subnational Analysis
(with Brent, D.)

Do Preferences for Public Goods Depend on the Weather?
(with Brent, D., Gangadharan, L., Lassiter, A., and Leroux, A.)

Learning from Disasters: Evidence from Economic Growth Effects of Tropical Cyclones
(with Amarasinghe, A. and Wong, M. )